Please note, the ProCure22 Framework can no longer be used to procure works. This site is no longer being updated and NHSE ProCure team is only managing the historical information. Please refer to the current live ProCure framework ProCure23, where further information can be found here:
NHS England » ProCure23: A new route to market for NHS capital works

ProCure22 (P22) is a Construction Procurement Framework administrated by NHS England and NHS Improvement for the development and delivery of NHS and Social Care capital schemes in England. It is consistent with the requirements of Government Policy including the Productivity and Efficiency agenda; the Government Construction Strategy; the Public Contracts Regulations 2015; the National Audit Office guidance on use of centralised frameworks; and the Cabinet Office Common Minimum Standards for procurement of the Built Environment in the Public Sector.

P22 represents the third iteration of the Framework providing Design and Construction Services for use by the NHS and Social Care organisations for a range of works and services. P22 continues to build on the principles of its predecessors to streamline the procurement process and create an environment in which Clients, Principal Supply Chain Partners (PSCPs) and their supply chains develop stronger partnerships to drive increased efficiency and productivity whilst supporting enhanced clinical outputs for patients and improved environments for staff and visitors.

Find out more about ProCure22

Estimated capital value

£4,943.2 million
for 107 NHS clients

NHS Client Savings

£21,574,806 inc VAT
to end of December 2021

Free training

10,835 courses completed,
19,185 CPD hours earned

ProCure22 performance KPI values for 2020 shown against national averages

10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Predictability time
  95% completed on time or early
Predicatability cost (GMP)
100% completed to budget or below
100% achieving zero accident incident rate
Defects at handover
  84% average score
Client satisfaction: Service
  85% average score
Client satisfaction: Product
  88% average score
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
National figures derived from 2017 CITB UK industry performance report from Glenigan. See full year-on-year values

P21+ and P22 case studies

17 case studies available for download

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Latest news

P22 Framework Extended to June 2022

The P22 Framework expiry date has been extended to June 2022. This is to ensure that there is continuity of service to the NHS during the procurement process of the Crown Commercial Services (CCS) CWAS/2 and P23 which has commenced recently.

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Birmingham Nightingale Hospital shortlisted for two Construction News Awards

The Birmingham Nightingale Hospital has been shortlisted in two categories at the 2021 Construction News Awards: Project of the Year and Outstanding Contribution of the Year. Construction of the Birmingham Nightingale Hospital was led by Tilbury Douglas, and was one of several projects that was successfully procured through an emergency fast track route via the ProCure22 Framework. Shortlisted projects will be celebrated at the annual awards dinner, hosted at the Grosvenor Hotel in London on the 15th September.

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P22 Projects

Schemes and projects

VAT Recovery

Schemes that are delivered through the P22 framework are offered a free of charge VAT recovery service. Since April 2015, to the end of quarter 3 in financial year 2017-18, approximately £39m in VAT has been recovered.




ProCure21+ website:


NHS Estates and Facilities Team
NHS England and NHS Improvement
Quarry House, Leeds LS2 7UE

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